I first heard it on the 6am news broadcast. The words, UFO sighted, caught my attention. That seemed like last week’s news because we still had late night sightseers coming to the motel this week, looking for signs of the UFO again. “Breaking News” flashed across the screen and then our motel sign came into view. And I recognized the men in the picture. It was not sightseers, but instead it was Oliver and Charlie. I fumbled around for my cellphone. I had turned it off because I was getting tired of frantic phone calls from the office. But, yes, there was a text from Charlie. “The robot got a ride! A whole swarm of UFO’s came to get him.”

The newscaster went on to say, “UFO’s seen in two locations last night”, and the next picture was a location familiar to me. It was the building where Jonson Investigations had an office.

I scrolled down to another text, from Jonson Engineering which said, “Up late, working. Almost lost our android to a swarm of UFO’s. Called police. UFO’s left when sirens were heard.” Looking back at the TV, I saw a close up shot of the android. I couldn’t tell if he looked disappointed or pleased that he missed his ride.

I turned off the TV and went back to bed. “There’s nothing I can do except wait for the next phone call.”

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